Full Stack Coding and Finnish Language, Tampere

In this training you will improve your coding skills and develop your Finnish language!

The training is targeted to unemployed or under the threat of becoming unemployed. The applicant must be registered as a job seeker at the TE services.

See below if you are qualified to apply for this training.

Training has strarted: 2.3.2020

Duration: 9 months

Where: Class room sessions and face-to-face meetings will take place in city center of Tampere or in Hervanta.

Description of the training

Full Stack Coding and Finnish Language training gives you the opportunity to improve your competence in both programming and Finnish language. Both of these competences will increase your employability. However we do not start with the very basics in either of them. You have to have some skills already.

The training is targeted to unemployed or under the threat of becoming unemployed. The applicant must be registered as a job seeker at the TE services.

It is beneficial if you have for example a degree in higher education (e.g. statistics, IT, science) or relevant work experience. You must be able to study in English and have at least intermediate proficiency in Finnish.

The programming training is provided by Opiframe and Finnish language training by its subcontractor Valmennuskeskus Public. Class room sessions and face-to-face meetings will take place in city center of Tampere or in Hervanta.

Selection schedule:

  1. Application period ends on 9.2.2020.
  2. The interviews will be held on 19.-20.2.2020 at Pirkanmaa TE office, Pellavatehtaankatu 25, Tampere.
  3. Training starts on 2.3.2020.

Content of the training

1. Programming studies primarily as guided online learning

Programming studies will include coding, databases and data analytics. The training focuses on Full Stack coding. Main tools and languages to be covered are Java, web based coding, SQL, testing, NodeJS environment, React library and Angular framework. The level of skills of the participant will be taken into consideration.

2. Finnish language training and career coaching as classroom training

The level of Finnish language skills needed for the training is B1.2. This means that you are at intermediate level; you are not a beginner anymore but you do not have to be advanced in Finnish either.

3. Tutored on-the-job-training in an ICT related company.

On the job training is a three-month-period at a work site to practise both coding and Finnish. Opiframe will help you to find the company but we encourage you to contact potential companies yourself, as well. With the help of this training, participants can apply for programming jobs such as back-end developer or front-end developer.


To apply for this training, you

  • have some previous IT or coding experience OR highly-motivated to learn
  • know some Finnish and highly-motivated to learn more
  • are fluent in written and spoken English

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